Many (tourism) businesses are using Instagram to promote their products. Great images and short video clips are a powerful way to get your message across.
But did you know you can also advertise on Instagram? Just like on Facebook, you can target specific audiences with relevant ads. The key is to learn how to do this yourself. Even if you outsource it, it's still important you know how it works. Thankfully, Instagram has created some fantastic resources and tutorials. Go to: Set some time aside every day for a week or so to learn a valuable new skill that could be of great benefit to your business! Till next week, Marijke
When you spend money on advertising, whether online or offline, you want to make sure you get a return on investment.
So, how do you know your adverts are working? It’s easy: you have to build in ‘something’ that allows you to measure it! More and more businesses are spending money on online advertising. The great thing is that it is very measurable! If you look at your referrals through Google Analytics, you can see exactly what websites sent you traffic. Measuring the return for of offline marketing activities (such as print advert in magazines and newspapers, direct mail etc.) can seem difficult. Here is a tip that will make it easier to measure the effectiveness of your ads. ALWAYS have a call to action. The easiest is to direct people to your website. Don’t just send people to your homepage, as you can’t track the marketing activity that way. Of course, if you have a short term campaign and you see a spike in direct traffic to your homepage that day, you can estimate the impact of that ad. But if you’re running multiple campaigns, you can’t give credit to each individual ad. So, how do you solve this? All you need to do is get people to go to a specific landing page instead of your homepage. For example: By creating a special page, you can see exactly how many people are coming to your site because of that ad. But, you have to give them an incentive to go to that page otherwise they may just search your brand name online. Nothing works better than some sort of special that isn’t offered anywhere else. You'll now be able to see how many people are coming to your site because of your ad. Keep track of what works and what doesn’t so you can make an informed decision the next time you advertise in that publication! Till next week, Marijke |
September 2021
AuthorMarijke Dunselman. Click here to read more about us! |